A Sanctuary for Elephants, and for the People of Kenya


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Jul 22, 2023

A Sanctuary for Elephants, and for the People of Kenya

By Alexandra Marshall | Photography by Romain Laprade for WSJ. Magazine Aug. 26, 2023 8:00 am ET Listen (3 min) On a trip to northern Kenya, David Bonnouvrier and Trish Goff, who have been together


Alexandra Marshall

| Photography by Romain Laprade for WSJ. Magazine

Aug. 26, 2023 8:00 am ET


(3 min)

On a trip to northern Kenya, David Bonnouvrier and Trish Goff, who have been together since 2011, got lost in the bush at night after their Land Rover broke down. Goff was in shorts and Birkenstocks. They had given away their water and bananas to kids they saw en route, thinking they’d be at their friend’s place in no time. Hours later, walking in the dark, they stumbled upon a small settlement of Samburu, one of the ethnic groups in the area. The Samburu elder walked them hours more to a meeting place where they could be picked up by a ranger. “We sent his village a goat, and him a goat, too, once we were back,” Goff recalls.

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